Straight to the Captain

When he opened the fifth door, he found a box inside called Chief Engineer Tomson's Toolbox.

Lu Li recalled the previous rooms and prayed that there wouldn't be a monster hiding inside the box. That way, he could take the rewards without any risk at all.

If Tomson was the Chief Engineer, there was a high chance of the box containing Engineering recipes.

The boxed opened and a dark mist seeped through the cracks, summoning a monster that began to attack Lu Li. When he saw its level and stats, his heart sunk.

Lv55, 15,000HP. Each attack dealt 680 points of damage to him, while he only dealt around 100 in return.

Before he could even take down a fifth of the monster's HP, he was almost dead. This wasn't a fight that he could win and Lu Li decided to retreat when he only had 20% HP left.

The Chief Engineer specialized in Engineering and machinery, and therefore would have other skills up his sleeve that he had yet to use.