A Fierce Fight Between Rivals

How could Lu Li let them run away!?

Of course, he wasn't going to personally stop them. It wasn't that he was incapable, but he didn't want to expose himself. In fact, a Thief actually had the advantage in a fight like this as no one would be able to catch him in such a chaotic environment.

He quickly pulled together a group who were tasked with stopping players who were trying to leave.

Glory Capital was stuck in a bitter fight to the end. Whenever someone died, even a professional player, they had no choice but to revive in the city. In these circumstances, there was no way they would be battle-resurrected.

The worst part wasn't the EXP loss. After the System Update, even if no one revived them, they would only lose 5% of their EXP, which could easily be re-farmed.