Admitting Defeat

Ruling Sword had achieved a great victory!

This caught many Ruling Sword members who were trying to comfort their team off guard.

They didn't have anything to worry about anymore. After the night of confusion had ended, hundreds of people swarmed to the airport the next day. The excitement could be felt in the air and the crowd seemed a little crazed.

It didn't matter what you were chasing, as money would come with it if you were successful. With another championship title, the team members' positions were now even more valuable. Although Ruling Sword had a tough time, this would likely usher in a period of rapid development. The elite group was sure to have a promising future.

"Do you see this? Are you still going to leave?" a member of the elite group with a ponytail asked as he hit the elbow of a friend standing next to him. His friend had recently received an invitation to join another guild where he thought he would be treated better.