A Trick Up My Sleeve

In fact, Lu Li also had another strong sapling – the seeds of the World Tree.

It was a pity that those seeds hadn't been fed well enough. They had eaten countless tree vine seeds, but they still looked dead. Lu Li had no choice but to give the Seeds of the Ancient of Lore the priority. The Ancient of Lore was also enough to ensure the safety of the Grey Valley Stronghold.

A lot of gold coins had been used. The Stronghold, which initially looked like a ruin, had changed dramatically.

Of course, it was impossible for this to happen in reality. Even if there was an intelligent robot-builder in real life, it would take at least half a month of construction. Even the best materials needed to be pre-processed before they were used.

However, that was not necessary in the game. The most time-consuming process was actually the design process.