Big Heart

"Soul Eater's temper has gotten worse and worse recently, especially when you guys show public displays of affection," Vegetarian Mosquito said as he looked at Lu Li. He never understood how Lu Li was better than Soul Eater – in his eyes, Soul Eater was much more manly and a better leader.

In terms of physical appearance, Soul Eater was definitely more handsome than Lu Li.

He did respect Lu Li for what he had achieved by himself despite coming from poorer circumstances.

"My bad."

Water Fairy glared at Lu Li and he felt guilty.

She didn't hate Soul Eater anymore and knew what his reasoning was.

Lu Li hated Soul Eater and Soul Eater hated Lu Li.

If you loved a woman and she had an admirer who she trusted a lot, sometimes even more so than the boyfriend himself, it would be impossible for them to get along. The boyfriend would either have to be a saint or the girlfriend would eventually cheat with the admirer.