Brother Ji Is Coming

It was the last of a three-day Dragon Slayer's Roar buff. If they were unable to take the little Red Dragon down, then …

Lu Li could already imagine the image of them spending a fortnight as the First Clearing Team – the sustained, repetitive movements, day after day. He reminded himself to think more optimistically. If he had only viewed it pessimistically, it would have been months before it was possible for them to succeed. Lu Li would essentially admit to himself that what he created would be akin to a castle built on sand – unable to sustain even the slightest degree of adversity.

As the regular holder of First Clears when it came to Instance Dungeons, there was nothing more attractive than that.

Upon first entering the Instance Dungeon, everyone had immense energy. In fact, they were all initially quite successful. While promising benefits, Lu Li also placed pressure on the team's competitive spirit.