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As for whether his words were effective or not, only the waitress knew.

The package was the deed for the Felstone Fields and had been left for her by the sister. It was not important anymore.

"This is the protective talisman that all Felstone family members have. You should be able to feel where each other are when you get close to one another. Bring it to my sister. She would know where John is," Emma said as she took out a talisman and handed it to Lu Li, allowing him to continue with the quest.

"Or, you can come with me to visit her and let her know that you're living nicely," Lu Li invited.

Emma thought about it seriously.

Originally, she had thought about avoiding everything that involved Janice Felstone. After all, her sister was already dead. Furthermore, she had also cut ties with her past. The insane girl on the riverbank was already dead.

However, was she willing to cut ties with everything?