Almost Wasn’t Auctioned

"As for Her Tears's side, talk to them yourself. After all, he's been worried about not having a fight the whole day," Lu Li suggested. He shrugged his shoulders and refused to continue discussing this topic. Along with Ruling Sword's rising strength, they had also made a big entrance in the arena, got First Clear after First Clear in Instance Dungeons, and performed pretty well against Wild Bosses. On top of that, they also defeated the Gangnam Royals. These achievements allowed the club to enter a short period of stability.

The other clubs didn't begrudgingly beat them down like they would in the past. Instead, conflicts and battles with them began to decrease. As for other ordinary medium and small sized guilds, they didn't recklessly provoke the stronger clubs that had won competitions. Lu Li also forbade the club from actively provoking other players and Her Tears grew more and more gloomy.