Sorrowless’ Hatred

"What a shame, to let these idiots escape," Blood Dagger said as he downed his tea.

White Westhill, who was sitting next to him, just took a small elegant sip. The expression on her face was also brighter than that of Blood Dagger's. Blood Dagger thought that it was a real shame not being able to get Ruling Sword, but White Westhill didn't think much of it. They didn't get the best, but they were leaving the best till last.

"Don't underestimate Ruling Sword. If Ruling Sword are idiots, then what are we?" Sorrowless said sa he glared at Blood Dagger, while again refilling Blood Dagger's cup.

The only people who he'd pour a drink for were these few in front of him.

"Knocking out Peerless City's not bad either. If we lose the championship again, then we really will have to face up to the blame from the board," West Whitehill sighed.