Alcohol Doesn’t Get People Drunk, People Get Drunk Themselves

However, it wasn't important whether he won or lost.

Today, Lu Li was destined to win. He had grown up in the common district, living a difficult life like a dog.

Who would have thought that one day, he would be able to earn the money to cure his sister's disease that, establish a gaming club, and marry someone who was a goddess in so many young people's hearts?

"Come on, you're not willing to put on equipment yourself? It can't be me forcing you," Water Fairy said.

"Yeah, yep, I don't want it," Lu Li responded helplessly.

Although he was helpless, when he opened his mouth, his voice tricked no one. Water Fairy was right, however – she hadn't forced Lu Li to give up two pieces of equipment, but rather, it was her two close friends.

To have a battle on the stage of a wedding was something that could happen only in a game.