The Outraged Cardinal

Time Stop! It was too late!

Before his brain came to a pause, the idea occurred to the Predator. But he had been turned into an insect in a piece of amber in this static world. He was now frozen by time in the air.

The whole world looked like an old painting drawn only in the color of gray, black, and white. Then, he saw that the colors were returning; gold, green, black, and red… and his body was able to move again.


The Predator could not figure this out? How could he see himself moving?

In fact, he thought that he would be lucky to survive the three to four rounds of attack during the timespan of Time Stop because of the many extraordinary items he had.

But why was he now watching his body falling onto the floor heavily? The colorful light burst out, but it failed to prevent his body from hitting the carpet and making the dull, banging sound.
