World Laboratory

"Grimm, you…"

Pausing for a moment, she asked quietly, "Where's my sister? Is she already…" Over the past two hundred or more years, that calm, steadfast look in her eyes had long drowned out other impulsive emotions.

Grimm stared at the devout Mina that stood in front of him, as if she stood out from the rest of the other devotees. Those other devotees wore self-sacrificial expressions on their faces, looking sober and solemn.

Nobody knew if the youthful years during their sorcery apprenticeship were as insane as Mina's. The long matured Mina of now, did she remember those heydays of hers?

Two hundred or more years have gone by so quickly. The once flaming crazy girl during her sorcerer apprenticeship had now already become a true sorcerer.

As for himself, the same two hundred or more years had passed. In the eyes of his former peers, was he no longer the Grimm from their memories? Had he become so much of a stranger?

Grimm had no idea.