Metal Castle Laboratory

Seventeen days later.

During this period, Grimm had already come across the edge of the Narrow World a total of 322 times. This World-Core Fragment was constantly changing its form, like a soft jelly with an irregular shape.

As usual, today was a boring one for Grimm. As he was passing through the chaotic energy ribbons, the shadow of a peculiar object in the upper corner caught his attention.

"I found it, it's the Metal-Castle Laboratory!"

With a height of over 300 meters, the enormous building was exuding a bleak metallic luster, befitting its name. The main castle was connected to dozens of other domiciles, and an energy harvesting device was mounted on the top of each domicile. Most of them seemed to be damaged; only a few were still running, emitting flashes of sparks.

The metal castle appeared to be a tilted floating object in the air as there was no sky and ground in the Narrow World. Adjusting himself to the same angle as the castle, Grimm cautiously hovered towards it.