The Workshop Factory

"This guy, he's becoming stronger and stronger!"

They had crossed swords consecutively for a year, Storm Hammer could clearly feel that this Moth Frog City Legendary Knight Muyi the Greatsword Slayer was becoming stronger, from the beginning when he sometimes still needed the help from precious magical tools that were obtained from who knows where to keep him alive, to the point now where he was almost able to fight equally with himself.

He was still very young so he was growing rapidly, as expected from the genius Knight of Moth Frog City.

But it did not matter anymore.

After Storm Hammer and Muyi clashed against each other once again, having taken advantage of the favorable uphill terrain, Storm Hammer shouted savagely, "Muyi the Greatsword Slayer, you no longer have a chance, hahaha haha!"

Muyi gritted his teeth, the white warhorse under him was covered in blood, there were only a few hundred Knights left, while the other side had almost four hundred Knights!