Chapter 47 – Solomon Rothschild

Solomon didn't show much resentment as he smiled faintly. "What do they want to take from us this time?"

"A kilogram of dimension crystal stones. They only offered substandard rune weapons and fifty tonnes of food for it. Our request to learn the techniques for their rune cannons was rejected!"

"If they want it, they shall have it," Solomon said, still smiling. "With regards to our proposal for a personnel exchange, what was their response?"

"Your highness, in their eyes, we are but abandoned savages, they—"

Solomon waved his hand. "I know what they will ask for. Tell them we will proceed accordingly. You guys can leave; Enoch, stay behind."

The rest of the group dispersed, leaving behind the youngest of the group. Solomon said to him, "Enoch, do you wish to take a look at the Federation?"

"Your highness, I much prefer our own place. There's food everywhere…" Enoch gave a faint smile as he munched on his 'snack'. It seemed to be something like a finger…