Chapter 51 – The Prodigy Society’s First Battle

A little embarrassed, Ma Dong shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid. How could I be afraid? It's just that I couldn't bear to step on and kill ants ever since I was young…"

"Ma Dong, you scumbag! Don't be so shameless!"

"Too shameless!"

"Now I really want to pick up a live ant and squish it to death!"

"Fuck, why didn't I think of this method earlier?"

"Wang Zhong, let's team up," said Scarlet who was standing on the other side. She gave a faint smile and wouldn't allow any of the others near her a chance. "There're some things I need your advice on."

The anticipatory eyes of every suddenly became stunned.

It was one thing for scumbag Ma Dong to manage to 'court' Milami, but was it possible for a blockhead like Wang Zhong to be able to obtain the favour of this goddess!?

This was simply illogical!

At this time, the guys saw Scarlet and Wang Zhong standing before the same operating table. All of them had the same collective thought; I won't be able to love anything anymore!