Chapter 81 – Soldier Bloodline

When the final rune was carved, all the runes on the piece of wood seemed to come alive as they connected seamlessly together!

A golden glow began to rapidly run along the rune lines, and this originally normal piece of wood unexpectedly elongated, forming a rune javelin.

The Freedom Federation's rune technology had always been known as the best in the world for the last fifty years, yet even the most formidable rune grandmaster would be stupefied if they had witnessed this scene. It completely circumvented the foundations of the established rune technology field.

Rune science was as complex as integrated circuitry. It was built upon the foundations of humanity's use of soul power and manufacturing capabilities.

Yet, this youth had unexpectedly been able to build a rune device on the riverside with just his hands. Furthermore, that golden glow present during the completion of the javelin showed that it was a rune weapon of a very high grade!