Chapter 233 – Naturally it’s the Potter Family

Old man Schoffel was brimming with enthusiasm about the first day of the special training. Student Wang Zhong, who was accustomed to get a headstart on things, had already brought the Tianjing Squad to start their first official session of the eastern area special training class.

The gathering location for the first day wasn't placed in any normal classroom; rather, it was a large gathering hall within the Copperfield Academy. The gathering hall was glamorous and decorated like a miniature opera house. When the Tianjing Academy had arrived at the location, the gathering hall was already filled with the squadrons from numerous academies from the eastern area.

Just like what Headmaster Greene and Ma Dong had said, it did not have the feel a typical academy would have. Additionally, the tense competitive atmosphere that often arises when the top ranked academies meet was absent. Instead, everyone in the hall appeared amicable and friendly with each other.