Ball Queen's overlord range

Rushing in abruptly, Hymin shouted, "Our two great captains! The five great long… eh… long… what, what, I didn't see anything! I saw nothing! Please continue!"

Finishing her sentence, Hymin tried to leave with haste. Nevertheless, like a swarm of angry bees, Lily, Colby, Barran, Milami and the rest of the group had already rushed in behind her, leaving her with no place to retreat.

Upon noticing the scene before them, everyone instantly turned petrified, with their mouths hanging wide open. In an instant, the little bit of warmth that had appeared in Scarlet's heart turned into embarrassment. Fortunately, Wang Zhong reacted quickly, latching her necklace up in a second before pulling his hands away.

"Cough Cough!" With his hands behind his back, the great captain Wang coughed softly, before speaking in a rather poised manner, "What five great long are you talking about, senior sister Hymin?"