chapter 325 - The use of a bosom friend

With a smile hanging on his face, Wang Zhong climbed out of his bed and started to change his clothes. These formal suits always don't feel quite right when worn. Although the tailor-made seams were able to completely exemplify his perfect masculine physique, every single corner of the suit felt tight and stiff, what more of those people who wore than on a frequent basis.

"There are a lot of rules present in places like the Imperial flower gardens. When service is provided to you, you definitely have to give a small tip, therefore you have to always have money in your suit pocket. I've helped in this aspect. Just a single bill per time will do. When you're ordering stuff, you might get confused with those messy and ridiculous names. Just react in a gentlemanly manner and let Carolyn order. Just choose the same items as her will do. And this…. And that…"

Whilst helping Wang Zhong with his necktie, Ma Dong continued to chatter and jabber on in the former's ear.