Tianjing's weakness trends

Being one of the 2 super heavy soldiers that have managed to destroy the strength evaluation machines during the heavy soldier arena yesterday, Tariq Dolen was catapulted to the 3rd spot on the TOP5 highlights. Being a younger generation hailing from commoners, therefore he was only able to enter a squadron whose strength was evaluated to be of B rank. Due to him, Vallance Academy was basically catapulted to fame over a single night.

However, the most powerful highlights still belonged to the experts on the Mo's List. Be it the assassins or heavy soldiers, their absolute strength had indeed suppressed everything. Regardless of Noriba's heaven shaking chop, or the ghostly face that Napier Mo had shown in the assassin arena, both were truly astonishing in their own rights. There was no need to for the CHF committee to publicise, as they had naturally held the place of Number 1 in the hearts of the audience.