Help in the form of Mo Xingchen

Joseph had really gone to do an investigation on the Tianjing Squadron. This was an extremely uneven group with many, many problems. Despite that, there was an extremely strange vigor present within them. Having taken a read at Wang Zhong's thesis, he was extremely shocked and astonished by the accomplishments of the former. It showed a realm of thought that absolutely didn't appear to be one that would come out from a student. However, he stopped being shocked after knowing about the revolutionary introduction of living runes by the old Potter stemmed from that brat's collaboration with the latter. Wang Zhong was indeed a genius, though it's a pity that his talents were more towards research. Although he was extremely outstanding in his theoretical knowledge, he wasn't suited for this CHF... Joseph could vaguely feel that he was onto something, though he wasn't able to get his head around this.

"That student over that. Yes, I'm talking about you. What's more name?"