The silver lining


A shockwave exploded out, one that was more frightening than the first punch launched. Other than the wave of air that was visible to the naked eye, the audience in the competition grounds could feel a tremble shaking through the entire viewing gallery! Humming sounds rang out from the glass panes in the viewing gallery as they continued to vibrate from the tremor!

Galen's roar sounded more resonant than the previous one, though an additional hint of pain was present.

Wang Zhong raised his fist once again.

"3rd punch!"


Yet another wave of air expanded out, with the ground shuddering and the viewing gallery vibrating!

It was closely followed by the 4th punch, 5th punch...

The Tianjing supporters were already going crazy! Whether it was on Skylink or live at the competition grounds, everyone was quietly counting the number of punches that were unleashed!

"9th punch!"


"15th punch!"
