Powerful suppression

With a loud bang, Zhao Yilong disappeared, man and spear travelling as one. The Overlord Spear pierced right at Wang Zhong. Wang Zhong welcomed the attack without any signs of weakness, and the two spears collided.


Wang Zhong's Overlord Spear vibrated intensely, while his entire being was sent flying back. On the contrary, Zhao Yilong appeared to be completely unaffected by any rebounding force. With a casual wave, he sent his spear sweeping out, which was met by Wang Zhong's Overlord Spear. However, upon contact, the latter's spear was sent shooting back, appearing as if it had been expelled by an earth-shatteringly massive amount of force. With just an ordinary attack, Zhao Yilong's Overlord Spear appeared to have annihilated all resistance put up by Wang Zhong.


A blast of spear aura exploded forth, piercing out even before the spear tip arrived.
