The Immeasurable Ocean

Seeing the bubble of water shooting straight at him, Pomo did not retreat or evade. Instead, with a 90-degree shift of his large shield, he sent a fierce chop with the sharp edge of his shield. A gale whipped up, as a powerful force swept out, smashing down onto the incoming bubble of water.

Whoosh! Upon contact, a massive opening was cleaved open on the bubble of water, while astonishing cries rang out across the arena. Compared to a cruel brute like Pomo, the audience was naturally biased towards Misa, who appeared like the incarnation of youth and springtime. However, halfway through their cries, everyone noticed that the bubble didn't disintegrate due to the gaping hole. Instead, it started to squirm and wriggle in a lifelike manner, appearing just like a living creature. As it squirmed about, the gaping hole proceeded to transform! Now, it was no longer a hole, but a wide-open mouth!