Instead of asking the Heaven's, why not just ask Mo Wen (2.5 in 1)

The hearts of countless Heaven's Fate fans watching from Skylink and the stadium had already risen to their throats, as this was the first time they had seen Mo Wen struggle so hard to defend against attacks! All of them had felt that he was invincible within the Casted Soul Stage! Furthermore, the only people capable of being his opponents were people like Carolyn and the other 4 great heavenly kings, as well as the most famous person in the CHF, brother King. However, never in their wildest dreams did they expect for a mere Karl to be able to force Mo Wen to such a level!

16th Chop, 17th Chop!

The blue flames that have swept across the stage formed long trails before Karl, with the expanding blade force appearing to materialize into something corporeal, from a gigantic blue blade shade into some that possessed a shadow!
