Holy Land (2 in 1)

As the old man pushed the door open, an intense smell of low-quality alcohol wafted into his nose, causing the glaring and flashing lights around the stage to start revolving around in his head. This was joined by a ear-piercing and ground-shaking rumble created by the noisy crowd.

Wearing a frown on his face, the old man searched the crowd, before finally spotting a girl chewing bubblegum at the corner of the bar. 

"Fuck! You're really wearing an ugly disguise!" said the girl, chewing on her bubblegum as she sized up the old man that had approached her, while a smile appeared on her face. However, in reality, she had worn an even more disgusting disguise. Her large buck teeth and a face filled with pimples was more than enough to stop any male in their tracks. Even under the influence of the completely gross low-quality alcohol, no man would develop any feelings of lust for her.