Shatter (2 in 1)

The more dangerous it was, the more bravery would stand out. At this moment, Wang Zhong standing up to face Mo Wen, was just like how Mo Wen had done so against him earlier! Only those who dare to surpass themselves would be considered as genuinely brave soldiers!

In the past, with the use of a divinized fiery axe, Wang Zhong had unleashed a mere 4 chops to shatter every defense that Vladimir had erected. This was now known as the most ferocious combat technique in this CHF! What would be the outcome when this was used against Mo Wen?

Would Wang Zhong reverse the situation once again, or would Mo Wen become an invincible god of war?

Everyone had focused their gazes on them, and felt the terrifying might contained within that purple fiery Heaven's Raising Axe. Could Mo Wen resist the blows from such an exceptional war axe?