Sent against his will (2 in 1)

A frown continued to hang on Ma Dong's face as he tossed and turned on his bed, unable to fall asleep with all those thoughts swimming in his head. Other than his parents, Wang Zhong was the most important person that he cared about in the whole wide world! From a certain perspective, even Milami was a lower priority. The more he thought about it, the more worried he felt. During this past few months, everything had been going too smoothly for him, to the point that it felt somewhat surreal. This overly smooth flow of events had caused his danger sense to become numb and obscured. However, upon being activated, it had sent an intense warning.

He stood up, before sitting down, standing up again and then sitting down again, repeating his restless actions until he finally climbed up and gave a call to Wang Zhong's Skylink.

"Du, du, du... the user you're calling cannot be reached…"