Eat them all!

Upon seeing life forms brimming with vitality walking out from its lair, the 2 large Cerberi instantly gawked, before quickly reacting.


The 2-headed Cerberus lying on the ground immediately gave a loud roar. The terrifying hellish flames in its eyes danced crazily, instantly expanding in size, causing them to appear just like jet-black burning lanterns that radiated with a dark glow. Furiously standing up, its hind legs gave a stamp, propelling its body ferociously towards Gong Yi and the others.

Everyone started to curse silently.

The speed of this 2-headed Cerberus was extremely quick, travelling at more than double the speed of the small Evil Demons they had encountered in the 1st layer. Therefore, wanting to throw them off was practically impossible, leaving the group with no option but to enter a head-on confrontation.

"Take action and kill them!"

Without needing Gong Yi's commands, Reynolds had already taken action!