God of Gamblers


Wang Zhong unleashed his rotating Dharma Idol, but the result was expected. The Evil King retaliated with full-power head-on and blasted his Dharma Idol away. The power of fate had a fixed probability. Previously when he battled Mo Wen, he held a large probability of success, but the same was not true this time.

Despite his Dharma Idol being annihilated, he did not try to attack again. His aim was merely to distract the Evil King. The previous attack further enraged the Evil King and it instinctively tried to attack Gong Yi, but Wang Zhong would never give it an opportunity to do so.

The next instant, a huge, jet-black axe formed in mid-air. At certain times, the most direct approach can produce the best results. As someone with the darkness-attribute special ability, he had an unprecedented amount of dark energy available to him in this place. Where could there be a better place to unleash his power?