Money Makes the World Go Round

Wang Zhong grew a little obsessed. Maybe he was crazy, but he truly felt that the author made sense, even though the author was a tad whimsical. From an atomic point of view, there was indeed a terrifying theory in it. This was the prototype of the super-powerful weapon in the olden days. Back then, applying it to the human body was completely a pipe dream, but now that times were different and humans could use Soul Power, a possibility was opened up.

The author of this book was definitely a transcendent lunatic, but one thing was certain, he understood the civilizations of both eras rather well. The old era was in favor of technology while the new era was in favor of utilizing the soul. In fact, both stands were superficial. If one only utilized one's soul while neglecting the body, one would not be able to achieve balance. Only if the body and the soul worked hand in hand would one be able to reach the highest possible level.