Bold Plan!

Trap? Sword Saint? What about Wang Zhong?

"First-aid kit, first-aid kit!" Oscar was the first to respond, and he began to shout. His arms were fully covered in Grai's blood.

Feng, who was behind him, brought over the first-aid kit, and Oscar laid Grai flat on the ground. When Oscar opened his coat to take a look, the terrifying wound on his chest seemed to have split his whole body in half! His bones were deeply visible, and it was absolutely shocking to the eye.

Oscar's hands flashed with blue light; he used his Soul Power to forcibly occlude all the blood vessels near the wound, while Feng administered some first aid. Obviously, under such terrible conditions, they were not equipped to deal with such a serious injury.

The entire Wanderlust Team's expressions grew heavy as they recalled the information that Grai had passed on to them previously. Everyone lost all the hope they were holding on to before.

Trap. Sword Saint.