The Importance of Acting Skills

Wang Zhong smiled and picked up his Nebula Sword. "How many parts of you do you think I need to cut off before you tell the truth? Or do I have to find it myself after killing you?"

Tatamu trembled uncontrollably. This guy was the devil! It initially wanted to confuse the other party with other things. That stone slab was its master's most treasured object. If the stone slab was not lost, all the other things could slowly be re-accumulated as long as there was time, but…

In the face of the sharp sword, Tatamu weighed his options and resolutely decided to betray Sauron and handed the stone slab over to Wang Zhong. It seemed that the Mizobudapi people also knew about the stone slabs, but now was not the time to enquire further.

Wang Zhong took down an octopus skin hanging on the wall and put it directly on himself.