Cooperation Between Giants

"That is a bit too exaggerated. However, I heard that the aristocrat that Uncle Thol had killed before he was punished was a great figure in a level-7 civilization! Uncle Thol is definitely not an ordinary person."

"A great figure from a level-7 civilization? Are you sure? Who did you hear that from?"

"…Damn, that's what everyone is saying! Either way, I think that the Shell Shade Faction is afraid this time! We have really sucked up to a great expert this time! In the future, our lives will be good!"

The shop owners on Heavenly Treasures Street were overjoyed, and their confidence in Mugthol increased as the days passed. Even if there were a few people who were still worried, the situation now was completely different. The entire Heavenly Treasures Street worshiped him, to the point that they wished they could give birth to a few beautiful daughters to marry him.