Judgment From the Machinery Race

Just as the entire street had gone into a frenzy, they heard an inappropriate sound.

"This is the Machinery law enforcement squad. Everyone is to retreat and maintain silence!"

Twenty expressionless creatures from the Machinery race walked out from the crowd. The sound of the Machinery race could even stop babies from crying at night. The excited clamor in the surroundings came to a sudden stop as the 20 machines walked in front of Wang Zhong.

An unusually tall machine displayed an arrest warrant to Wang Zhong. "Wang Zhong, you are suspected of fighting in public and destroying public property. Please follow us."

"What do you mean? Yin Jiao and Mugthol were the first to fight! The one who picked the fight was Yin Jiao. You should be arresting him first!" someone in the quiet crowd could not help but shout.

"That's right! What right do you have to capture Wang Zhong?"