Lethal Action

There was nothing about the Perfect Pill itself that was worth caring about.

Lao Wang's smile and Celeste's frustration caused the pill house to stagnate into a different kind of joy. However, this did not hinder the spirits from celebrating.

"Master, Master! Perfect Pills! My god!" Nini was so excited that she started jumping for joy. She continuously rolled in the air and flew back and forth in front of Lao Wang. She was so excited that she seemed like a small sparrow.

"Master is amazing!" Even Yiyi, who did not curry favor all along, could not help but praise him. They had heard about the Perfect Pill countless times ever since they came into contact with pill-refinery-assistance studies. It was said that it could be found by chance, but it could not be looked for. Out of 20 alchemists, 19 would definitely never see the Perfect Pill in their lifetime. However, Master had only tried four times and had succeeded.