A Real Dragon

Before the insect race became a part of the divine territory, both parties had been at war with each other before. This was just a little scene in that ancient war.


"Hohoho! Let's kill all these insects!" a gigantic Titan shouted.

That seemed to have the effect of a war horn, as the allied troops started yelling and roaring. In the next instant, the Brain Insect made a sharp and piercing cry which resounded across the entire mass of insects.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Bang bang bang!

The insects, who were quiet at first, suddenly started moving frantically, as if they were stimulated by something. An endless sea of insects was heading towards the allied troops in a frenzied manner. The movement of the sprinting insect army was matched to that of Titan Armored Beasts, which stood at dozens of meters tall, causing the ground to tremble. It was terrifying!
