Hidden Dragon Sword

Ever since they entered the equipment refinery room, Lavel hadn't mentioned anything about Wang Zhong and Phumetheus's upcoming match in the Life and Death Arena. However, as a young leader of the Fire Demon Race, it was impossible that she didn't know about this matter. Senior Lavel was clearly on Wang Zhong's side. She had worked overtime to ensure that the Soul Steel would be nurtured before the start of the life or death battle.

Senior Lavel wasn't simply helping Wang Zhong nurture the Soul Steel and refine a level-4 equipment. It was also a test for Wang Zhong too. A level-4 equipment was way out of a Void Core's league as they would not have enough power to control it. However, Wang Zhong was going to have a life or death battle with Phumetheus, which wasn't something an ordinary Void Core could engage in either.