Made a Name for Himself in One Battle

The entire world fell silent and lost all sound. More accurately, the miserable state of the Blood Demon Race in the short half a minute shocked everyone into silence.

They had heard the terrifying legend of the Blood Demon Race previously destroying a level-7 civilization with the flip of the hand and knew that it was with the power of a curse. However, no one had ever thought that the curse would be this tyrannical.

Half a minute! It only took half a minute! A powerful civilization had vanished completely, and their deaths were so miserable! It was no wonder that for the past several dozen eras, regardless of how great the offense by the Blood Demon Race was, the Star Alliance usually chose superficial and minor punishments. This was because no civilization was willing to completely oppose the Blood Demon Race. They were definitely a terrifying power that could bring any civilization in the Star Alliance down if they were desperate.