Everything has its conqueror

Each long skinny figure zoomed through the gray miasmatic aura, quickly descending as if they wanted to wrap and tie Shi Yan and Cu Bi up tightly.

Many long thin figures appeared more and more clearly inside that fuzzy aura. They were a particular kind of beasts with a human child face, a dreary pale look, and a mouth full of fangs. This creature was three meters tall with a sturdy body, a white child-like face, and long fangs. It looked terribly scary.

The Child Devil's body projected a powerful miasmatic yin aura. The soul of this creature was unique. There seemed to have a particular layer of flesh in their brain to prevent any soul attacks. Their movement was very fast. With a slight sway, they were in the air plunging more than ten zhangs already (1 zhang is equivalent to 3.33 meters).

Three Child Devils appeared in a short moment, showing their fangs and claws, closely approaching Shi Yan and Cu Bi below.