Sky Destroyer

An ecliptic crossed the barrier through the dark place. Inside that ecliptic, Shi Yan wore a malicious face. Trace of cold thoughts flashed in his pupils.

"What do you want?"

Ye Xiong was worried. It was different now, since they were in the middle of the prohibited area. If he took action here, the barrier would restrain him a lot. In the worst case, the barrier could hurt him badly.

"You want to attack them from here?" Zhu Yi shook his head disapprovingly. "Not good, eh? Once you cause a change in the ancient formation, it can affect us, too. As long as we won’t leave this light tunnel, we’re safe. But if you leave this place to attack them, I’m not sure about anything."

Yue Ying and Yun Xiu also frowned and shook their heads as they thought that Shi Yan’s decision was risky.