Taking A Tonic

Feng Rao could only stare with hurt feelings. She was tied by ten starlight chains and Jester had added his restraining power on her. Feng Rao couldn't even move.

Feng Xiao also wanted to save his father, but the two Blue Demon's pirates held firm grips on him. He couldn't escape their grips to look for his father.

"It will be alright. With your father's realm and power, he will be fine. Moreover, he has the star map. I don't think people will want him to face any bad situations," Shi Yan smiled, comforting Feng Rao while standing in front of the green mist.

After Jie Nong, Russell, and Barrette heard this, their expressions changed slightly, reminded that Feng Ke still held onto the star map.

They didn't care about Feng Ke's life itself, but they did care about the star map.

Without the star map, they wouldn't be able to do anything and this expedition would receive the 'Gone Home' mark before the deadline.