The Ones Who Cross the Border

Life star number nine of Potion and Tool Pavilion, Shadow Ghostly Prison.

Bettina was grave as she tried to contact Zha Duo and Fu Wei. However, she hadn't received any response.

"Still no information?" Consecrator Timlin frowned. "It has almost been one year. Where have they gone? Why we can't have any information from them? The Elder Conference is scheduled. Zha Duo and Fu Wei are the two elders. They should understand how important the Conference is. Especially when Fu Wei is keeping the Canon! What the heck are they doing?"

The Elder Conference of Potion and Tool Pavilion was responsible for appointing the new Pavilion Master. At this moment, it was as hot as boiling oil.

Being the Elders, Zha Duo and Fu Wei were the two important participants. If they didn't show up at the conference, it meant they had given up their rights.