
When Qin Wushuang arrived at the Windy Pool Restaurant, he drank a few rounds for his father and paid back with some rounds. During the banquet, a lot of his former classmates from the Martial Arts Academy came with their parents. They appeared awkward and uncomfortable in front of Qin Wushuang,but with the help of alcohol, they all stammered out an apology.

Maybe the former Qin Wushuang would have gotten into some small conflicts with these people, but the truth was, Qin Wushuang did not remember most of them. Instead, he just laughed it away.

However, his attitude, in the eyes of those martial arts students and their parents, was viewed as an act of generosity. Inwardly, they were complimenting him on being a generous offspring of the Wealthy class.

“Young Master Qin.”

A call came from behind just as Qin Wushuang was preparing to leave after he’d shared several rounds of drinks,.