
Gou Sheng was faithfully acting like a qualified dog. At least with regards to the biting part, he performed with the ability that a fighting dog should have.

After some planning and decorations, the news of how the Xu family had betrayed the Bai Yue Country was spread far and wide and caused an uproar throughout many places. Officials of the River County immediately sent people to the Qin house to take in the criminals.

From Patriarch Xu Sanli to the servants, in total, thirty-two had been taken alive during the raid on the Qin. More than twenty people had died and sixteen more had escaped after setting fire to the stores.

The mighty Xu, formerly of the Wealthy Class and who had enjoyed superior status, had become criminals locked in jail overnight. And they had been sentenced to death.

From people of the Xu, people had found letters between the Elders of the Xu family and one of the Feudal Lords in Great Wu Country. Additionally, escape routes were also present as evidence.