Gain on the First Day

Besides the serial number on the back and the chest, the rest of the test robe was the same for all martial arts students. Plus, after wearing the mask, most likely nobody would recognize themselves even if they were in front of a mirror.

With a long echo from the bugle horn, the exam finally opened its curtains.

Like a leopard cat, Qin Wushuang scuttled out of the grassland. A moment ago, while he was concealing himself while waiting for the start of the exam, he already saw a bright and shining jade plate on the branch not far from his location.

Whatever the number of this jade plate maybe, since he saw it, he would need to take it. Since the first step was always the hardest, if he acquired the first one, surely they would appear one after another.

With a takeoff and landing, Qin Wushuang landed on the branch. At once, he saw a jade plate in between the intersection of the branch. He turned it over and unfortunately, it’s number eight.

Only worth two points…