Eighty Points Collected

If all three people were a hundred meters away and had used the forest advantage to escape to different directions, then Qin Wushuang would have the assurance to kill them all.

However, since these three were all within thirty meters and without any objects blocking his path, even if they had a pair of wings, it would be impossible to escape.

These three martial arts students formed a clique and had waited here to ambush others. In the past few days, seven or eight martial arts students had died at their hands.

Qin Wushuang collected their three bodies and looked for their serial number. One of them was number thirty-two, and indeed, he was that sniper from the south side.

“No wonder this thirty-two moved around this area. He had friends already.” Qin Wushuang thought about it and started to search the spoils of war.