Exam After Crossing

On the border of the exam sites, Qin Wushuang found the representative from the Zhen Wu Holy Place in charge of processing.

“Hm? How come one came out after another one entered?" That representative mused to himself, "This Third testing site is sure lively. Didn't one just go in yesterday?"

He looked at Qin Wushuang and smiled: “Crossing?”

“Yes.” Qin Wushuang nodded.

"Please show me your jade plates." That representative said with a kind tone. He talked as he extended his hand, "Your entire exam site is quite vivacious. In all exam sites, only two people have crossed into another area. One entered your site, and you, on the other hand, are leaving. I have to say, the rest of the martial arts students from your site are very unfortunate."

Qin Wushuang handed over all his jade plates, which included those six plates he acquired from that external examinee.