Exam Ended!

Qin Wushuang rested against a big tree at ease as he calculated the time. Only less than two hours of time left after a month of examination. He was in a very relaxed mood. For him, he treated the exam as if it was already over and waited here for it to be announced.

After a month of intense battles, Qin Wushuang had had quite a great harvest.

In total, he had crossed into seven different sites. Plus his first exam site, it was equivalent to having participated in eight exam sites to fight for jade plates.

In the first seven sites, he had collected eighty points. In this last place, although he only had two or three days, Qin Wushuang still acquired six jade plates. One worth twenty points, two five-pointers, and three two-pointers. In total, it was thirty-six points.

With the accumulated points from the previous seven areas, no more and no less, he had scraped together six hundred points.